TUA: 5 essentials
Text: TUA/Maria Säkö
Kid Kokko’s Disappearing – Passion is published in the middle of the hottest performance season. Inspired by Kid Kokko’s work, Maria Säkö recommends five things that also create new space to think, to be and to make art.
1. Samira Elagoz: Seek Bromance (The work tours around the world). ”Seek Bromance is a trans romance situated at the end of the world somewhere between insta-reality and sci-fi dystopia. It shows a relationship between two transmasculines who met during the beginning of the pandemic, who both have a history of performing extremely feminine characters but who have very different attitudes as to what masculinity can be.”
2. Ligia Lewis: A Plot/A Scandal. (The work tours around the world.) ”Weaving together historical, anecdotal, political and mythical narratives, Lewis constructs the poetics of refusal at the edges of representation. A dance between affect and embodiment, seeing and being seen, A Plot/A Scandal is a scene in the making, where the excitement for that which does not fit might find its place.”
3. Moving in November (Helsinki 3-13.11) Jeroen Peeter´s book and then it got legs: ”How do you create a shared ground for exploring the unfamiliar in pursuit of making sense? The book is written from practice and reflects a particular history of collaboration and conversation with various dance-makers.”
4. Reality Research Center (Helsinki 1.10-15.12) Queer dance group. ”Everyone who feels part of the queer community is welcome to join the group. The group’s principles include confidentiality, the right to self-determination and non-self-determination, and respect.
5. Baltic Circle -festival (Helsinki 18.11.-26.11): Rampa associations: Inviting precarious perspectives. “Inviting precarious perspectives” is a more accessible 2-day event by Rampa associations, which is a working group of crip artists, who design this gathering with emphasis on access, care, and everyone’s autonomy. Rampa associations encourages everyone to experiment with how they want to participate in an event in a traditional black box space but with unconventional settings: Maybe horizontally? Actively? More traditionally? During the event, participants are invited to experience multiple different performances by artists of the rampa associations.
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7 kirjoitettua koreografiaa – A Book of Dances ilmestyy 10.11.2024
Teksti: TUA
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Teatterin Uuden Alkukirjaston kahdeksas peruskivi on koreografi, esiintyjä ja kuvataiteilija Anne Naukkarisen toimittama A Book of Dances. Teos koostuu seitsemästä kirjoitetusta koreografiasta. Kirjoittajina ovat Naukkarisen lisäksi Suomessa asuvat taiteilijat Laura Cemin, Mikko Niemistö ja Marika Peura sekä Ruotsissa toimivat taiteilijat BamBam Frost, Ofelia Jarl Ortega ja Pontus Pettersson. Kirja on kustannettu yhdessä Liikkeellä Marraskuussa -festivaalin kanssa. Jututimme Annea teoksen syntyprosessista julkaisujuhlien alla.
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HISTORIIKKI: Suomalaisen queer-teatterin aikajana
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